Weather: Cloudy, Temp. 33°/WC 30° Winds NNW 6MPH. When I got to the park this morning around 8:15, no one had opened the gate, so initially I thought the park was closed. But being as how the snow was pretty much melted away, I parked on the side of the road and walked in. I hadn’t been to the park since the Nov. 30 snowstorm, so it was nice to get back. Only saw two people walking dogs. Did 30 minutes/1.8 miles. At first the wind from the north made me wish I had brought some sort of face covering, but I got used to it by the time I reached the lighthouse. The walk back was easier with the wind pretty much at my back.

I spotted an eagle perched in a tree, curled up against the wind. Eagles are relatively common along the Lake Erie shoreline these days, but spotting one is an exciting moment. I did not have my digital camera with me, so I had to take my pictures by phone. The zoom is not so hot, but I think you can see it’s an eagle. Spotting an eagle is considered a spiritual experience, especially if no one else is around, so I am taking it as a sign that life is OK and I am on the right path.

A bird is perched on a bare tree branch against a cloudy sky.A bird is perched on the branches of a leafless tree against a gray sky.A bird is perched on the bare branches of a tree against a gray sky.